Mapping Oil

Wealth, Infrastructure, and Risk

Mapping Midland Oil Industry Businesses

After World War II, an increasing number of oil contractors – surveyors, map makers, geologists, engineers, and landmen – set up offices in Midland. The wealthiest rented space in the growing cluster of skycrapers in Midland’s downtown. Others set up smaller offices in the city’s growing suburbs. Many located themselves along I-20 or the Garden City Highway southeast of town.

Using the 1955 Midland City Directory, census data, and historic industry maps I am using GIS to map the city’s oil industrial corridors in relation to residential neighborhoods. This map will allow me to track the relationship between industrialization, income, race, and pollution exposure at midcentury. Below is a preliminary map, done in Google Maps, that pinpoints to location of Midalnd oil businesses in 1955




The region’s earliest oil migrants lived in hotels, boarding houses, and temporary shelters. Below are two photos taken in the 1930s by the US Office of War Information. On the left is a temporary settlement for oil extraction workers. On the right is the more permanant worker housing for refinery employees in Borger, TX.

OWA photos

By the 1950’s most temporary oil workers lived in trailer parks or motels. Below are colorful postcard advertisements for Midland and Odessa hotels.

motel postcards

[Photo credit: Author collection, Ebay acquisition.]

Despite most workers’ itinerate nature, sustained oil extraction brought with it rising standards of living for residents as well as an influx of disposable income for county governments. In 1942 the Mid Continent Oil and Gas Association documented the 75 Texas counties who produced the highest amount of state tax revenue from the oil industry. As seen in the map on the left, these 75 counties are divided into distinct geographic areas based upon the state’s oil deposits.

1965 maps of tax revenue

The map on the right is more interesting. This map tracks the same 75 counties, identifying what percentage of total county tax revenue comes from oil in 1943. In other words, the second map starkly demonstrates the Permian Basin’s dependence on the oil industry. In comparison with even the Gulf, the Permian Basin had a single industry economy, completely dependent upon the sale of oil and natural gas for regional jobs and regional wealth.

Mapping Oil

Towers of Debt

Grain Elevators in the Southern Plains Landscape

photo dalhart elevator

[Photo credit: Author, Dalhart, TX, 2014]

In 1936 Gertrude Stein wrote, “In the United States there is more space where nobody is than where anybody is. That is what makes America what it is.” Almost 70 years later journalist Dan Morgan offers a simple, provocative message, saying “Study grain long enough and the world shrinks.” While these two statements might seem contradictory, both accurately describe the relationship between rural Plains communities, the land, and the agricultural economy during the twentieth century. As early as the 1860s, large-scale monocrop agriculture and sale on international markets were mainstays in the rural American economy. Simultaneously, agricultural America actively sought to maintain a sense of local community and rural autonomy in a changing world. In one seemingly simple, beige package, the great terminal elevators of the American Plains are symbolic of this conflict.

Here I focus specifically on grain elevators in the Southern Plains region – stretching from Western Texas into Oklahoma and Kansas — as a case study that allows me to combine analysis of the elevator’s economic history and its visual relationship with the landscape. Encompassing the flattest and most arid regions in the “great American desert,” Southern Plains ecology was most catastrophically altered by twentieth century changes in American agriculture, with over harvesting resulting in erosion, drought, and the Dust Bowl.

The building of hundreds of new grain elevators during this period marked the Southern Plains skyline as a reminder of the region’s massive boom in agricultural production. In the1930s, reeling from the combined effect of rock-bottom grain prices and ecological disaster,  farmers embarked on a program of large-scale, cooperative elevator building and acquisition that continued until the 1970s. This program represented an effort to restore order to both an industry and a landscape seemingly flying out of  control.

OWI photo grain storage

[Photo Credit: Office of War Information Photo Collection, Library of Congress]


My project maps the expansion of the elevator co-op movement, tracking the cycles of grain production, flows of capital, and construction of towering elevators.

Below is a link to preliminary map, done in Google Maps, that uses BNSF Railroad data to locate co-op elevators from the 1920-1930s.

I characterize the co-op elevator movement as both an act of economic defiance as well as a symbolic reclamation of the visual and spatial “high ground” – elevators helped to shore up rural America in the face of continuing economic decline. Embodying the importance of industrial commerce to isolated rural communities and acting as nostalgic symbols of a mythological American agricultural empire, grain elevators are powerful, iconic symbols for both the local populations who interact daily with them and for observers captivated by their size and unique shape.

Further Reading

  • Donna A. Barnes, Farmers In Rebellion: The Rise and Fall of the Southern Farmers Alliance and People’s Party in Texas(Austin: University of Texas Press, 2011).
  • William Cronin, Nature’s Metropolis:Chicago and the Great West, (W. & W. Publishing, 1992).
  • Frank Gholke, Measures of Emptiness, (Baltimore: The John’s Hopkins University Press, 1992).
  • Lisa Mahar-Keplinger, Grain Elevators (Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press, 1993).
  • Gertrude Stein, The Geographical History of America, or the Relation of Human Nature to the Human Mind(New York: Vintage, 1936).
Mapping Oil

Geographies of Boom and Bust: Population

Early Arrivals

I Between 1923 and 2015 over 29 billion barrels of crude oil and 75 trillion cubic feet of natural gas were pulled from beneath the Texas Permian Basin, making it one of the most prolific oil-producing regions in the world. The search for oil altered the region’s desert ecology and economy, facilitating the growth of a complex industrial network connecting the isolated region to a global system of extraction and commerce.

In the early 1920s, oil discovery prompted an immediate population boom, bringing thousands to Texas’ least populous counties. Oil production, and human migration to West Texas, slowed down in the early 1930s due to a combination of the Great Depression and the discovery of the East Texas field. However, the population boom picked up again in the late 1930’s, continuing – with some exceptions – until the 1970s.

Data from US Census, 1890-1990

The population of the region’s more rural counties, such as Andrews, Yoakum Howard, and Glasscock, rose and fell as much as 90 percent in response to oil production.

Data from US Census, 1890-1990

 In contrast, the region’s urban centers of Odessa and Midland experienced steady population expansion until the 1990s. For example, in 1940 the population of Midland County was 9,352. In 1950 it increased to 21,713. It increased again 1960 to 62,625.

Its All Relative

However, these numbers are relative. Population boom in the sparsely populated western half of the state made up only a fraction of the total Texas population. This was true in 1920, and has continued until the present day. 


Above data from US census 1890-1990. “Permian Basin Population” represents county-level data. Counties of Permian Basin as determined by Texas RR Commission .